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© February, 2011
The Situational Rules of Offense

by Frank DiCocco
Assistant Coach • Avon Old Farms School (CT)

A Systematic Approach to Executing in the Most Crucial of Circumstances.

Every great coach will tell you that the game of football is situational. From Bill Walsh to Bill Belichick, the game’s greatest minds have all focused their efforts – and their players – on performing in precise circumstances, and on executing in exact scenarios. It is this systematic approach to game-planning and preparation that has produced some of the greatest teams and brightest shining moments in football history. 

What follows is a simple outline of some of the game’s most crucial offensive situations. It is a specific set of guidelines and objectives for the most important of in-game circumstances. It is called “The Situational Rules,” and it can – and should – be taught to players throughout the week’s practices and preparation. 

Every coach, at every level, should teach and preach the importance of situational football to his team. Utilizing the Situational Rules can be the key to helping your players execute at their highest level when the ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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