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© June, 2012
Defensive Pursuit Drills - It's a Race

by Gregg Horner
Defensive Coordinator • Valley City State University

“Coach, every play is a race to me. I’m racing my teammates to the ball. If I lose the race I might not get to hit anyone on that play.”When I first started coaching, I was intrigued by how hard some players would play the game. Many ran faster when the ball was snapped than others. I thought all those players were just born that way, with that “motor.” One day I asked one of those players why he ran so hard. He found that the harder he ran, the more opportunities he had to make plays. That young man had learned that behavior. He loved the physicality of football and knew that if he did not pursue the ball, he may not get that opportunity. We want all of our players to play like that. It is difficult to teach that type of attitude, but not impossibl ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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