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© February, 2012
Spread Offense Shallows, Digs, Drives, and Crossers

by Rich Hargitt and Zachary Lendyak
Passing Game Coordinator and Quarterbacks Coach • Inside Receivers Coach Nation Ford High School, Fort Mill (SC)

At Nation Ford High School, we are a multiple spread formation team. We utilize spread sets including 2 x 2, 3 x 1, and 3 x 2. These sets helped us to pass for over 1,700 yards and 15 touchdowns this past season while advancing to the second round of the SCHSL state playoffs. Our passing package was based off of the 4-vertical concept but we began including more crossing concepts as the season progressed. Our base crossing package focused on the shallow cross series. We feel that adding crossing routes gives the offense a decided advantage in the spread passing game. These routes allow athletes to run from coverages and create separation that would be next to impossible in a traditional passing attack. In addition, these route concepts create great yards after the catch opportunities as they allow ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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