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© February, 2011
Creating Problems with the Multiple Defense

Meshing the 4-4, 4-3, 3-4, 5-2, 5-3 and 3-5 from the 3-5 Base Defense

By Rob Manchester • Defensive Coordinator • Georgia Military College

The Base 3-5

Our Base Defense is the 3-5 - We base out of the 3-5 defense and start by teaching the 3-5 alignment, the gap-control scheme and run fits, and have basic cover-3 coverage behind it. 

Why Base out of the 3-5? – It allows us to teach everything else we do on our defense – all the alignments and variations – as simple adjustments out of our base defense. We start by teaching the 3-5 and the gap-control scheme against the run game from the 3-5. We teach our basic coverages (starting with cover-3) out of the 3-5 defense. From there, we install our basic slants and stunts (including our slant-strong and our slant-weak). In our slant scheme, the defensive linemen slant to the call, and the linebackers fill in behind the slants.   
    When we teach the “Bump” concept, it is in complete accord with our slant scheme. Our defensive linemen “bump” over a shade (or a gap) to the call, and the linebackers align to fill in behind the linemen’s bump. Basing out of the 3-5 allows us to “bump” into a 4-4, a 4-3 and a 4-3 under without having to change any personnel or any concepts of our defense ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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