Tackling is the most important skill in football. When teaching tackling, it is important to understand that the game has changed, and tackling should be position-specific. Offenses such as the spread and variations attempt to put speed in space while exploiting matchups and using the whole field. This changes the angles defenders take to the ball, and their ability to break down and execute tackles using traditional methods. In order to keep up with modern offensive advancements, defensive coaches need to be open minded and willing to change their approach to teaching tackling.
At Eastern Arizona College, it is our goal to be the best tackling secondary in the league. We preach that the big hit is not necessarily the best tackle. We want the ball carrier on the ground. We must be sure tacklers eliminate YAC’s – yards after the catch and yards after contact. We finish all plays aggressively, tackling the short pass using proper drive angles (securing the upfield shoulder), and converging on all run plays.
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