My general philosophy of preparing players for competition in the game of football is that the game is played with the hips. To build strength in the hips and legs I recommend the same kind of lifting and movement that you see in the Olympics – power clean lifts and snatches. This is important for improving the overall strength of your linebackers.
I assign other lifts on a regular basis as well: overhead squats, power shrugs, leg curls, incline presses, lat pull downs, bicep curls, a twisting medicine ball throw, back squats, bench presses, bent over row lifts, neck lifts, heel locks, lateral lunges, leg extensions, triceps lifts on a machine, front squats and military presses. What you’re trying to do with your linebackers – as well as other players – is to improve their speed and strength. It really is about total body ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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