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© December, 2008
Defensive Concepts to Stop a No-Back Attack

by Hank Schrader
Former Texas High School Coach

A perennial problem:  One of the hardest match-ups for any defense is a No -Back Attack.  Five receivers are difficult for great pass defensive teams and almost impossible for mediocre pass defensive teams.  As with any pass defense, the defensive design must determine the best combination of pass rushers and pass defenders.  It still must account for the possibility of a running QB or a wide receiver who motions into a running back position.

    A popular theory: For any defense to be sound, it must adhere to three principles.  These are: 1) The defense must be in an effective alignment to counter the offense; 2) It must use keys to get the defenders in the correct area of the offensive attack; and 3) Techniques used by the defensive players must allow them to execute their defensive respo ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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