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© June, 2008
Understanding & Defending the Double Wing

by Bruce Eien
Head Coach. Brethren Christian High School, Huntington Beach, CA
The Double Wing Offense has been around since 1986, but its roots go back as far as football itself. Don Markham premiered this offense in 1972 at LA Baptist HS in Mission Hills. Since then many schools have won numerous C.I.F., County and State Titles. Eighty percent of California, Oregon, and Washington's rushing and scoring leaders have come from this offense. In 1994 Don Markham led Bloomington High School to a 14-0 C.I.F. Title and set the national scoring record with an unheard of 65 point average.

The objective of Double Wing teams is to make you cover 10 gaps. When you spread yourself out to cover those gaps, they get more people to the ball than you have to defend. This gives them a huge advantage at the point of attack. Their base play the ‘Pitch’ must be stopped to be successful. Double Wing creator Don Markham was quoted as saying, “I ran the PITCH play 30 times in a row one game. If they can't stop th ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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