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© October, 2006
Visualization Drills Offer Real-Time Success

by RT Taylor
Wide Receivers Coach, Coon Rapids High School, Coon Rapids, Minn.

THE FOLLOWING IS a 3-step visualization drill that we use in our program. We typically utilize the concepts of “mental imagery” and “performance visualization” the evening before the game — after our walk-through practice and before team dinner. I am the coach that administers the exercise and the environment is critical to the success of this drill. The atmosphere must be serious, yet relaxing.

Step 1: State of Relaxation

Environment plays a key role in helping your athletes center themselves and get to a point of centered relaxation.  Select an enclosed large area that allows the team to lay flat with no body part crossed. Ideally, you want to locate to an area that is semi-dark. We have used our wrestling room and far corners of our fieldhouse. Again, make sure that all players are lying flat with no body part crossed or raised.  You want flat bodies, lying on the floor.

The focus of step 1 is to help the athlete move to w ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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