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© June, 2005
Tackling Circuit Drill Teaches Players How To Hit, Wrap Up And Bring Down Ball Carriers

by John Shea
Defensive Coordinator, D.C. Cambridge Rindge And Latin High School, Malden, Mass.

OUR TEAM STRESSES fundamentals above all else. We believe that the success of our defense hinges on the performance of three critical fundamentals.

Our players know that they must demonstrate relentless defensive pursuit, an exceptional ability to defeat and shed blocks and — more than anything else — great tackling skills.
Our team begins every practice with a pursuit drill, which is immediately followed by by a fast-paced circuit of tackling drills. 

The tackling circuit has several benefits toward building a solid defense.

1.    It maintains the up-tempo atmosphere and high level of intensity established during the pursuit drill.

2.    It guarantees that all of the players get quality repetitions of tackling within a short period of time.

3.    It allows all of our defensive coaches to efficiently and thoroughly coach all of our players. ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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