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© April, 2008
Successfully Drilling the No Huddle Offense

by Sam Nichols
Asst Coach, Holland Christian High School, Holland, MI
Practice time is precious. The way that a coach chooses to use the time that he has for a given week will directly affect the product he puts on the field on Friday night.Good coaches understand that repetitions breed familiarity and success. Some aim for 15 to 20 reps of a given play in preparation for an upcoming game. Then when multiplied by at least 20 plays, coaches are challenged to fit nearly 400 plays into limited practice time while dealing with various other variables and situations.

Each year we fight the battle between proper prep and time constraints. So this past season we looked at the purposes of the drills that we do and the reasons we do them. In the end we consolidated a variety of different drills into four concise drills that allow for increased reps, discipline, effort and understanding. This article will break down each of these drills in-depth in order to help other coaches apply them to their own offensive systems and practice plan.

The Tempo Drill

We are a no huddle spread team. For this reason, each of our drills will have a certain flavor that comes from running that style of offense. It is my personal opinion that all teams could do a better job of understanding the advantage of changing and controlling the tempo of the game. We think it is an essential element ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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