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© October, 2004
Running The Single Wing In The 21st Century — Part 3: The 30 Fullback Series

by Mike Rude
Head Football Coach, Johnston City High School, Johnston City, Ill.

ANY COACHING STAFF implementing the single-wing offense must decide what the role the fullback will play in the overall offensive scheme.

In the Single-Wing “30 Series” — which features the FB —  the question of what type of athlete you’re going to use at FB is critical.

The type of athlete the coach looks for in his FB has a significant bearing on which offensive series will be run by the team. Does the coach select a bigger, more physical bruiser-type FB whose main task is to block for the tailback? Does the coach want more of a “runner” who may not be quite as physical, but ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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