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© August, 2003
Great Punt Coverage Begins With The “Pride” Team

by Dave Johnson
Tight Ends Coach, University of Georgia, Athens, Ga.

IT’S IMPORTANT TO get your players to buy into your punt-team philosophy. You need to instill a mindset that emphasizes how hugely important the punt team is. To help in this effort, our team decided to re-name our punt team the “pride team.”

We tell our pride team that there are five important points to remember about each punt.
    1.    A sizeable amount of yardage is exchanged on the change of possession.
    2.    It creates field position for your defense.
    3.    It’s an opportunity to gain momentum for your team with a big hit or a turnover.
    4.    It’s another opportunity to do something great on the field.
    5.    Field Position + Momentum = Points. Points = Victory. 

Quality Practice Time
To have strong special teams, you must be dedicated to spending practice time to make your special teams units ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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