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© February, 2014
Today's Spread Offenses

by Ed Stinson
Retired High School Coach

A look at combining and maintaining the sound concepts and designs of the Wing-T in today’s spread offenses.

Many of today’s offenses have their genesis in the Wing-T. In utilizing Wing-T blocking schemes as well as their blocking techniques, along with the multiple three, four and five-receiver sets and having the quarterback in the shotgun position, we have developed an offense that is more potent.

The sound nature of the precepts – numerical advantage (more blockers than defenders) and angle blocking advantage (leverage inside out or outside in) – allows this offense to be greater in substance than style. It not only uses multiple formations, including unbalanced lines, but also challenges the defensive adjustment to shifts, and motions.

Today’s coaches must understand that their run game, if they block it correctly, is rooted in the Wing-T menu. That includes the trap, sweep (also jet sweep) power, option, counter, belly and zone. A play-action pass game is also present both with the flow as in “Keep Pass” and away from flow as counter pass and waggle.

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