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ODD OR EVEN -- The Don’t Gamble Defense

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© October, 2012

by John Barnhart
Retired High School Coach

From many years of experience we found that we could combine two defenses by using the same terms and rules to run our stunt package, coverages and alignments.

By going in this direction, we had less confusion in our alignments, stunts and coverages and also had a more aggressive and hustling defense. Here is a list of the principles used:

1. A solid defense on each play with players knowing their gap and stunt responsibilities.
2. We created a close-knit group of players because they knew what each of their teammates assignments were.
3. By keeping the terminology and calls the same for both defenses, the players understood their responsibilities.
4. We coordinated the defense to put players in the best possible positions to be succes ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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