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Motion Series from the Spread Shot Wing

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© October, 2008

by Lew Johnston
Former Head Coach, Western Branch High School, Chesapeake (VA)

The concept behind going to a spread formation came about because of a need to force people to defend the whole field. As the offense spreads out, so does the defense. What has happened, however, is that we are a bit too simplistic in our alignment. Thus, defenses match up with us pretty easily. Most people have gone with an even front (4) and two inside LB’s… 6 in the box and played 3 deep with a man on our Flex End playing man coverage and a walk-away OLB to the SE side.

We have occasionally gotten an odd front with 5 down linemen and 2 ILB’s. Even with the odd front, people have still played a 3 deep shell with M/M on our Flex End. We got a tip from a coach who told us that when we see the DE/OLB to the SE side come up on the line, just throw a quick stop pass to the SE. He’s got one-on-one soft coverage and the QB just catches, sets and fires it out there. This was our first experience with throwing “quick fire” (what would be our 90’s series… 3-step drop from under center) passes ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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