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Blocking the Veer Gap-Read Principles

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© December, 2010

by Mike Hays
Former Assistant Coach and Strength and Conditioning Coach • Clay Center High School (KS)

A veer-based run game that employs an explosive, quick-hitting scheme is a potent offensive weapon to attack a defense from a variety of formations and personnel packages. In basic veer principles, two level-one defenders are left unblocked to be read by the quarterback. The first level-one defender left unblocked is the dive read and the second level-one defender left unblocked is the option read. The offensive linemen aligned over the two read defenders release to seal the level-two defenders, creating running lanes for the backs. The first year we went to a veer-based offense, we used schemes and rules based on systems of identifying read men from their defensive alignment technique to block for each of our three veer running plays – the midline veer, inside veer, and outside veer.

    During that first season, we ran into problems adjusting to the multiple defensive fronts we saw on a weekly basis or even within a game, which forced confusion at the line of scrimmage. Since one of the keys for blocking success with the veer offense is to get off the ball quickly and aggressively, the confusion created when attempting to identify read men against multiple defensive fronts often led to our offensive linemen playing timid, which slowed down many plays. As a result, we did not move the ball as well ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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