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Utilize The Clovis East Power Series To Run Wild Over Your Opponents

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© August, 2007

by Tim Murphy
Head Football Coach, Clovis East High School, Clovis, Calif.

OUR CLOVIS EAST Power Series has been a cornerstone to the success of our high school program. The Power Series comes from our Double-Wing and I-Wing sets.

The Power Series is great for goal-line situations and even if your squad doesn’t incorporate the double tight end, it still can be successful for you. The Power Series boils down to five plays (once you have these five mastered, other plays and variations are incorporated): 24 Power; 24 Power Down; 24 Power Down Log; 18 Power Pass; and 24 Power Pitch And Give.

24 power

Since our team sees a lot of 5-2 Cover 2, each play in the five plays discussed will be illustrated against this defense.

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