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Developing Depth In Your Coaching Staff From Top To Bottom

© June, 2004
by Dan Mortier
Head Coach, New Trier High School, Winnetka, Ill.
PUTTING TOGETHER a coaching staff is the most critical and difficult thing that a head coach will do. Coaches, by nature, aren’t personnel or human resources people. We’re football coaches. So when it comes time to assemble a staff, or evaluate the other coaches within the program, it can be a tough job.
The following guidelines have been put together throughout the course of my 35-year coaching career.
1. Develop An Interview Process. Interviewing someone for a job is a tough thing to do. It’s a lot more than just sitting across from a candidate and saying “So, tell me a little bit about yourself,” or “Tell me about your background.” If you’ve done your homework (which you must do prior to an interview), you should already know the candidate’s background.
2. Surround Yourself With People Who Want To Coach. Coaching is a tough job that requires passion and commitment to the game. If a coach is in it for the money, then he’s in the wrong business. And you don’t want guys who “clock watch” and can’t wait for practice to end so they can go home.
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