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24 Lessons Learned On The Way To A Championship

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© August, 2002

by Hank Schrader
Former Offensive And Defensive Coordinator, Bellevue High School, Bellevue, Wash.

LAST SEASON OUR team went undefeated and won the Washington 3A state championship. It was a great feeling of accomplishment for everyone involved in our program and was the culmination of lots of hard work and year-round dedication.

The following are 24 lessons that we learned throughout the incredibly tough journey through the preseason, regular season and post season.

1  Establish A Year-Round Strength Program. You must have a year-round strength and conditioning program in place. You need to set standards for leg lifts and upper-body lifts, explosive lifts and speed times by position that your players must reach.

2  Set Expectations For Your Players. Don’t be afraid to draw a line in the sand and have your players step up to your expectations. For example, we asked our players to attend 85 off-season conditioning sessions. We had about 40 players complete this requirement. Holding players accountable is the key, not the 85 training sessions. Sacrifice is contagious.

A significant number of our players attended over 100 sessions. Even athletes who were playing other sports attended these workouts. It really helped both the staff and each player know who was committed and who wasn’t.

3 Critically Evaluate Your Program. You must honestly evaluate your strengths and weaknesses. Our coaching staff meets in early January to decide what areas of our team ha ...The full article can only be seen by subscribers.
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